
So what is coaching and how does it work?
I like to compare coaching to personal training – where a personal trainer can help you build up physical strength and achieve your fitness goals, a coach helps you create new awareness, pushes you out of your comfort zone, and gives you the tools to move past emotional and mental blocks to create the life you’ve always wanted to have. Often, we may not be totally clear on what we want, but we know we want something. Or maybe we know what we don’t want, but aren’t sure how to move away from it. That’s completely normal. A coach can help you figure it out by asking the right questions and using specific activities and coaching techniques.

What kind of people benefit from coaching?

The truth is, everyone can benefit from coaching. We all have something (or several things) that we just can’t seem to achieve no matter how hard we try or something we want to change in our lives. However, how much a person benefits from coaching really depends on their commitment to putting the work in, their readiness to change, and the rapport that is built between the coach and client.

There’s an endless list of reasons why a person may reach out to a life coach. Here are some common ones:

  • Feeling like you just aren’t where you “should be”
  • Feeling like you’ve been unable to reach your goals, no matter how hard you try
  • Feeling unfulfilled in your personal or romantic life
  • Feeling insecure and unsure of yourself and of the decisions you have to make
  • Feeling like you’re constantly lacking motivation, procrastinating, and/or self-sabotaging
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unable to get a clear vision for what you want your life to look like
  • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your professional life or unclear in which path to take

Is coaching the same as therapy?

No. Unlike psychotherapists, coaches are unable to diagnose or treat mental health conditions. While therapy can be instrumental in helping you work through past trauma, the focus of coaching is the present and future. Coaches help clients set and achieve goals to move them closer to where they want to be.

There are some similarities between coaching and therapy. Both disciplines aim to make positive changes in an individual’s life and help clients become more aware of their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. If a coach feels that a client will benefit more from working with a therapist or other mental health professional, the coach will suggest a referral and support the client in seeking that type of help.

What should I expect while working with a coach?

First and foremost, you have to understand that as your coach, I will not tell you what to do. My role is to provide you with the tools and the space to figure that out for yourself. I do that by asking questions that will challenge you, giving you all the guidance and support you need to discover your strengths and improve your self-confidence, and helping you figure out what you want and how to get past what’s been keeping you stuck. I will also hold you accountable to work towards building the life you envision for yourself and to achieve the goals you set. Ultimately, the time we spend together is yours to take advantage of. Together, we’ll set short-term and long-term goals, make a plan of action, and keep track of your progress. I will encourage you to complete activities or exercises which I feel will help you move closer to your goals and will hold you accountable to putting in that work. Through the whole process, I will have your back and be in your corner.

Do I really need a coach? Shouldn’t I be able to figure it out on my own?

Most of us have been conditioned to think that if we just work a little harder or push ourselves a little more we’ll be able to achieve anything we want.  And if we haven’t gotten there, then we’re just not trying hard enough, right?  The truth is, it can be nearly impossible to figure out exactly how we’re getting in our own way or what limiting beliefs are holding us back.  This is where coaches comes in.  A coach offers an objective, unbiased view and is trained to help you get past all the clutter to the root of the problem and help bring awareness and a different perspective to the habits or thoughts, which have been getting in your way.  As the saying goes, it’s about working smarter, not harder, and if you’re on my page it’s likely that you’ve already worked yourself half to death trying to figure it all out on your own (trust me, I’ve been there). It might be time to try another approach, and I’m here to walk you through it.

What if I’m totally unsure and have more questions?

I definitely don’t blame you! You work hard for your money and I want you to feel 100% confident before you invest or commit to anything. If you’ve gotten to this point and are still curious, I recommend you try out my free consultation. It’s only 30 minutes and will give you a better idea of what you can expect while working with me and if this is the right step for you. Feel free to also contact me with any questions.