You’re in the right place. Now, let’s get you out of the weeds.

Check out my episode on Jani Rad’s podcast “What’s On Your Mind?”. We get into everything from the winding road that got us into the field of public health, to getting over past setbacks & “failures”, to how we discovered our passion for helping people let go of the “should”’s and embrace their story & their strengths:

If you’ve been trying to figure it out on your own, but still feel like you’re walking around in circles, then it might be time to try something different and invest in yourself the way you put your all into other aspects and people in your life. Trust me, I’ve been there. I would love to show you that you absolutely have it in you to create the life you deserve, one that makes you excited to wake up every morning (as corny as that sounds).

If you want to get some more insight into who I am and how I got into coaching, feel free to read more here.

If you are wondering what coaching is, how it works, and whether it’s for you, I put together a list of common questions.

To learn more about the services I offer, look here.

If coaching is something you’ve been considering but you’re not sure if it will be right for you, sign up for a free consultation with me – during this half-hour, we will feel each other out and you will get a better idea of who I am and what I can offer you.

Thank you for giving this a chance, and I can’t wait to hear from you!

Client Testimonials

At first I was nervous about working with a Life Coach and being completely vulnerable with a stranger. But Coach Alla doesn’t feel like a stranger at all, she’s always warm, genuine and open. She puts the time and dedication into taking note on everything I mention, and can somehow recall minuscule details months later.

She paid attention to my patterns so now she knows exactly when to be supportive while I find my own answers and when to push me to dig deeper when I’m avoiding something important, even subconsciously.

Now I’m so grateful I reached out to a Coach, especially Alla. I’ve made huge leaps in shifting my mindset about some of my biggest insecurities and am thankful to her for pushing and supporting me every step of the way.

Sarah Rose -
Working with Alla has been amazing. She understood the challenges I was facing and helped me over come them. She is helping and guiding me through a career change. I have been taking a course for a little more then a year and I’m almost at the end of my course when I was faced with a difficult situation, I just couldn’t stop procrastinating. With Alla’s help I came to a realization that I was afraid of rejection. I didn’t want my course to end because that meant I would have to go to these interviews and might get rejected. In my head I’m already getting rejected without taking a single interview and Alla helped me realize that. It’s truly a blessing to have her in my corner and I highly recommend her as a life coach.
Amir Tanim -

Working with Alla has been extremely beneficial to me. At first I was a bit hesitant being that she is one of my closest friends and I was nervous if that would throw a wrench in my pursuit to be the best version of myself. I couldn’t have been any more wrong about that, actually it worked in the opposite way, as I was extremely comfortable in her company. From the time we began our session I respected and was very appreciative of her professional approach as I felt I was talking to my life coach and not my friend. With things like this it’s hard to say what is a success and what is not but all I would say is Alla helped me steer my life in the direction I think it needed to go. The help she gave me extends way further than our session and I just want to say thank you for that. I hope others are as fortunate when seeking out help.  I’m confident Alla can help people feeling similar to me.

Anonymous -